If this sport reaches back into your childhood dreams of just spreading your arms and flying, you owe it to yourself to check it out. There are a LOT of people that make it look easy. These guys are some of them. Their talent and passion for flight is infectious. But don’t kid yourself, this sport can be intimidating, physical and, frankly, dangerous. Get training. Get GOOD training. That’s what Aviator offers. Jon, Kyle, Travis and Eric teach the skills to make this dream a reality. They break down the information and skills to manageable pieces and help you put them together. They revel in their student’s success. It wasn’t just – you took the class, off you go, next class in…I left feeling that I have the skills I need to fly. But more importantly, I feel like I am part of a community that will continue to help me improve. Excellent facilities, excellent equipment, excellent program. These guys are the best!